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  New River Chapter : News and Events: What's happening in MOAA's New River Chapter

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2020 New River Chapter Activities

Events being planned in a post-COVID-19 world for our chapter members & guests

* As we begin to stretch our legs and reacquaint ourselves with fellow New River Chapter members following the long, long months of social distancing, the Board of Directors have proposed many activities for us to again enjoy the camaraderie of like minded MOAA members.

* These include:

- A July evening for dining out with our spouses has been cancelled by COVID-19, so our planned return at the Winner's Circle in Jefferson, NC on July 14 is no longer possible!!

- The Annual Chapter picnic will be held on August 15, 2020 at the upper pavilion picnic area, Ashe County Park from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Always a wonderful time for members to join in an afternoon of fellowship and sharing of picnic fare...the Chapter supplies the burgers, dogs, buns and drinks. Members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert of their choosing, but more importantly, BRING A FRIEND OR GUEST, especially if they are in the field of MOAA eligible participants and wish to learn more about our chapter! It's always a good time and we are NEVER lacking in an abundance of goodies to enjoy!

- In September, we're trying something new in the way of a gathering to dine together - breakfast, not dinner! Plans are to enjoy "Breakfast on the Mountain" at the picnic pavilion atop the New River State Park beginning at 11:00 AM. There really is nothing better than enjoying fried or scrambled eggs, potato pancakes, regular and blueberry pancakes and all the trimmings cooked on an open grill, plus fresh fruits!! Don't even think to miss this opportunity! We look forward to having as many adventurous New River Chapter members as possible to be with us on our regular 3rd Tuesday of the month meeting date, or September 22nd. This is another great opportunity to BRING A GUEST OR FRIEND WHO ARE MOAA ELIGIBLE AND WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NEW RIVER CHAPTER. Hope to see you there!

- On October 3, 2020, the New River Chapter will once again provide support to the New River Marathon as they hold their 26.2 mile marathon, 13.1 mile half-marathon and 4 mile run that had to be postponed from the originally scheduled June time frame due to the effects of the coronavirus. New River Chapter members are invited to join in on the fun of working the two watering stations on the course where we provide water, GatorAde and snacks to runners. It all starts around 0730 and is usually over by 1230 on the first Saturday in October. Stay tuned for calls from our BOD looking to have volunteers join with us...following the end of the race, we may plan to head somewhere and enjoy a late day lunch! Also, please pray for NO RAIN this year!

- Finally, our annual Holiday Gathering will be held from 2:00 - 5:00 PM on December 13, 2020 at the Arts County Arts Council Building in West Jefferson. There are a few new items for consideration with this year's event, e.g., we are holding our gathering on Sunday, vs. Saturday as there is already another holiday activity - the Festival of Trees - in the building on our regularly planned date, but that means that the site will already by decorated for us to enjoy!! Everyone is invited and please plan to bring a guest! Also, plan on bringing a dish of your own choosing - side dish or dessert. AND WHY NOT BRING A FRIEND OR GUEST? The Chapter will provide non-alcoholic fare, but attendees are welcome to bring their own wine or other spirits as they may choose. Finally, Barbara Sears has party game ideas for the event, so bring plenty of Christmas spirit!

All this information is provided as we move forward with planning for the remainder of 2020, but you should also plan on looking on the Calendar subcategory as we rapidly move ahead through the rest of the year.

Link to the Calendar here: